Through 7 days we will be gathered in a circle of indigenous leaders, elders, wisdom carriers, tradition bearers and cultural guardians, from indigenous cultures all around the world, that has responded to the calling of gathering in council and prayer for the future of humanity.
The vision is to gather in the Arctic with elders from all directions, under the midnight sun for summer solstice. Here we will discuss how to preserve the essential knowledge of survival for humankind, how to maintain the values of taking care of the planet Earth and living in harmony with all beings and relations.
Indigenous cultures all over the world lives with an integrated understanding of nature as a sacred source of life, not a resource to exploit. The elders know that our mission in this life is to take care of our Mother Earth as a source of life, guard the garden we are living in, keep it neat and clean and plant seeds for all generations to come, to make sure our children and their children have an abundance of health, which can only come from clean water, pure air, a healthy ecosystem on our planet Earth. We are at an pivotal time in history where we have to start listen to indigenous elders and honour their voices.
The Aurora Alliance gathers to manifest this vision in the North of Norway, as an initiative between a network of people devoted to preserving indigenous knowledge. We are proud to host some legendary wisemen and wisewomen with strong roots in their respective indigenous cultural traditions. We will also share Norse sun ceremonies, gratitude ceremonies with offerings to the Earth, drum journeys, sweat lodges, sacred dances, ancestral stories, sound healing and live music. We will be surrounded by breathtaking wild nature, mountains and oceans. There are plenty of whales and eagles on and around the island, which we will explore through whale safari and eagle walks. In these surroundings we can feel nature´s support as we gather in a prayer council to share a prayer for the common future of all of our children.